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Government Cancer Services Report

by | Mar 31, 2022 | Kidney Cancer News | 0 comments

This is part of the Committee’s evaluation of cancer services, which will take into consideration the impact of the COVID pandemic. However, it will also look more broadly at how well Government is dealing with cancer services through NHS England.

Kidney Cancer UK was invited by the panel of cancer experts to submit evidence to this evaluation, which we did, based largely on the findings of our latest patient survey. We have also submitted similar evidence to the Department of Health and Social Care, which is carrying out its own investigation in relation to the National Cancer Plan.

Kidney Cancer UK evidence quoted in several places

We are pleased to report that Kidney Cancer UK and its evidence have been quoted and referenced several times throughout the cancer experts’ paper. In particular, we are mentioned three times in the body copy of the document; on the need for improved diagnosis (p34), the fact that many patients do not have access to a named clinical nurse specialist (p27) and the need for more patient information following initial consultation (p43). Our evidence is also cited in relation to several other points (pages 17, 18, 23, 27, 34, 35, 38, 43, 47). We have highlighted each mention of the charity in this copy of the report.

One further general point that is made is that different aspects of cancer service quality vary from one part of the country to another. That sits well with the early results of the Kidney Cancer UK Accord audit we are about to present to NHS England requesting a NICE guideline and quality standard for kidney cancer.

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Kidney Cancer UK

Kidney Cancer UK is the UK’s leading kidney cancer charity. We seek to reduce the harm caused by kidney cancer by increasing knowledge and awareness, providing patient information and by supporting research into the causes, prevention and treatment of the disease