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Call Our Support Line – 0800 002 9002
Here to Listen and Support
MONDAY – FRIDAY 10am – 2pm – Please leave a message or email us outside these times (including Bank Holidays and Public Holidays) and we will call back within 48 hours.
Please note this is not an emergency support line. Should you require urgent medical advice or assistance please call 111 or contact your medical team without delay.
We know that if you are a patient or a family member of someone who has been diagnosed with kidney cancer, a way to make life easier is to speak to someone.
If you would like to talk to a friendly voice with experience in caring for and supporting kidney cancer patients, our Health Professional team is waiting for you to call.
Our Support Line is operated by our Health Professional team who call upon their extensive wealth of knowledge and experience in kidney cancer care to listen and support patients and their families during the difficult time of kidney cancer.
NOTE: Any use of profanities, abusive or aggressive language to our staff on our Support Line or Counselling Service will not be tolerated. Please read our Zero Tolerence Policy.
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Support Line call back request
If you’d like to request a call back from one of our qualified nurses please fill in the form below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
About the Support Line
What is the Kidney Cancer Support Line?
It is a telephone helpline providing information and support for kidney cancer patients, their carers and families. It became active on 10 March 2011, World Kidney Day.
Who will I speak to?
You will speak to a members of our friendly and helpful Heath Professional team who have extensive knowledge of treating kidney cancer and of the kidney cancer treatment pathway. They are happy to talk with you and offer help and support based on their knowledge of both the disease, and the demands of living with cancer.
How will it help me?
Our Support Line provides the means for patients to make contact with someone who understands how you may be feeling. The level of understanding and empathy our Health Professional can provide on the phone offers a great deal of comfort during a cancer journey.
Our Support Line can also provide information about the process for accessing the latest treatments for kidney cancer, some of which are not routinely funded by the NHS. We can guide patients and their families through this process, as well as providing information about government funding schemes, such as the Cancer Drugs Fund.
Is there any other support you can offer?
We also offer the UK’s only kidney cancer Counselling Service. It is free and is one-to-one counselling over the phone. To find out more about this and book session with our qualified counsellor, click here
You can visit our closed Facebook Kidney Cancer UK Patient Support Group. Talk to patients and carers, many in a similar situation to you, in a safe environment, to go to the page click here
We award Patient Support Grants to patients who experience economic hardship because of a diagnosis of kidney cancer. These grants do not cover treatment or medications, but are designed to ease hardship caused by additional costs of travel to appointments, car parking fees, fuel, care or retraining, for example. Our Support Grant applications process is currently closed. Please watch this space for news of when it will re open.
You can always email our patient support team or if you would prefer to write to us, here’s our address
Kidney Cancer UK
4 New Inn Lane,

Would you like to share your experience?
If you have been diagnosed with kidney cancer, have received surgery, or have cared for someone with the condition and would like to share you experience with others, please let us know by email or by calling 0800 002 9002.
Support Line
0800 002 9002