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We are committed to safeguarding the privacy of our users while providing a personalised and valuable service. We aim to be clear about what we do with your data and not do anything you wouldn’t expect.
Developing a better understanding of our supporters through their personal data allows us to make more informed decisions, fundraise more efficiently and helps us to reach our ultimate goal of supporting kidney cancer patients and their families.
From May 2018, we will only send marketing communications, including our newsletter, to those that have stated that they are happy for us to do so via their preferred channel. Our marketing communications include information about our latest charity news, fundraising, events, and merchandise. Should you wish not to receive these newsletters, please email with ‘Unsubscribe’ in the subject line or click the ‘unsubscribe’ link on each newsletter.
Kidney Cancer UK Facebook Group
Our closed Facebook ‘Kidney Cancer UK Support Group’ is moderated and we reserve the right to remove comments and posts or users without warning or explanation. Visitor or member comments posted to these sites are not the views Kidney Cancer UK or its moderators.
The posting of personal information on a discussion/forum means your information is publicly accessible to anyone viewing the forum. Please take care when posting personal information; we cannot be responsible for the privacy of any identifiable information that you choose to post in our online community.
You can download a pdf version of the full policy here we can provide you with a hard copy upon request.