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Online Community
Our open Facebook Pages
Our open Facebook pages can be found by clicking the links below, please like us to keep up with the latest developments in kidney cancer and happenings at the charity.

Below are our ‘Closed’ Facebook sub groups
These groups offer the opportunity to talk to others in similar situations as well as ask questions and share information. You will be in a safe environment with others who have also been touched by kidney cancer. These ‘closed’ Facebook pages are here to help patients through peer support groups and the knowledge and guidance of our Healthcare Professional team. All our pages are safe environments and monitored by the team at Kidney Cancer UK & Scotland along with specially selected and trusted moderators.
Please take special note that to join any of these groups you must answer all the questions before you are approved to join, this is to ensure the members in the groups should be there for the right reasons. If you fail to answer the questions your request to join will be declined.
Kidney Cancer UK Facebook Patient Support Group
Our most established and the largest of its kind in the UK, with over 1,800 members, this group is a closed group for kidney cancer patients, carers, their families and anyone who has been touched by kidney cancer to communicate and share their experiences and concerns and find support through others in their position. You will need to be a member of this groups to be able to join any of the sub groups below. Please also ensure you answer all three questions and agree to the rules to join.

Kidney Cancer UK Surgery Support Group

Kidney Cancer UK Metastatic Patient Support Group
Kidney Cancer UK Carers Support Group is a closed group for metastatic kidney cancer patients to communicate and share their experiences and concerns and find support through others in their position.

Kidney Cancer UK Carers Support Group
Kidney Cancer UK Carers Support Group is a closed group for kidney cancer carers to communicate and share their experiences and concerns and find support through others in their position.

Kidney Cancer UK Health Professional Support Group
This group is here to support health care professionals (HCP) specialising, or those who have a vested interest in, the area of kidney cancer in all its forms. This is a safe space to share experience with other HCP, listen, inform and support one and other through discussion and debate across all areas of kidney cancer treatments. This page was started by, and is moderated by, Kidney Cancer UK and Kidney Cancer Scotland’s Health Care Professional team.

Important Note
On any of our Facebook pages, open and closed, please be polite, courteous, understanding and helpful at all times. All information shared in this group must be treated as confidential. Anyone sharing information outside of this group, without prior agreement, spamming threads or acting in a way not befitting the spirit of the group will be removed. The opinions shared in this group and by its members are not the opinions of the group’s admins, Kidney Cancer UK or Kidney Cancer Scotland. Please be nice and treat others as you would expect to be treated. If you are recommending someone to join this group, please let them know they MUST answer the three-question asked before being approved. Failure to do this will automatically result in their request being declined access. This is to ensure everyone in the group is here for the right reason and to support one and other.
Support Line
0800 002 9002