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Saved by a very talented Surgeon and his sidekick, the robot.

by | Feb 27, 2015 | Personal Stories - Blogs

Lisanne Vos, IFBB Bikini Fitness Athlete, is passionate about healthy living, clean nutrition, fitness and lifting heavy weights. Her kidney cancer diagnosis inspired her to start her blogs documenting her story and bikini fitness competitions as well as providing advice on fitness, nutrition, healthy and happy living, during and after cancer. Lisanne is opening her FOXGYM this Saturday 28th February and is delighted to be joined by Dr Sjoerd Klaver, the surgeon and specialist who operated on her after she was diagnosed with advanced kidney cancer. Thanks to this man Lisanne and her husband Maarten chose to chase their dreams.

Cancer. A word that scared the living daylights out of me, since as far back as I remember.  The worst thing that could ever happen to you or anybody, I thought.  Well, it happened to me.  Pushing organs around so it could grow over the course of days, weeks, months, years.  A cell that went rogue for whatever reason (my educated guess so far – from various toxins), taking over my fully functioning healthy kidney.
Since the diagnosis last month I was perfectly accepting and at peace with any outcome, apart from death. Death was not an option.  But if it was cancer, then so be it.
For those interested to know the stats, here are the results broken down:

  • Kidney Cancer – Chromophobe Renal Cell Carcinoma (ChRCC) to be exact
  • Furhman grade 3 (it was big!)
  • Size: 13 x 11 cm right kidney mass
  • Weight: approx. 760 grams (a normal kidney weighs around 150g)

The good news: it was limited to the kidney so there is no spread. The lymph nodes and blood vessels are clear.
No further treatment apart from taking the time to recover and heal fully.  The surgical procedure was not called a “radical” nephrectomy for nothing.
My life was saved by a very talented Surgeon and his sidekick, the robot. (To view the picture click here.)
There is always a chance cancer comes back but in this case it is quite small.   They will be keeping a watchful eye on me with a CT Scan in 3 months, then every 6 months after for a couple of years, then probably once every year after that.

*** Operation ***

  • Operation “Moving Day” was a success
  • Went in around 13:30 and was done at 17:00
  • The Surgeon said that the mass was loose and only attached to the kidney which resulted in an “easier” operation for him and his team – he took out my whole kidney and Lionel. Hello Mono Kidney Club!
  • Because Lionel was loose the Surgeon was able to do the whole procedure with the robot (da Vinci) instead of an open surgery, which means a faster recovery time and only a few small incisions (Pirate PinUp is left intact for those wondering)
  • I asked the Surgeon to take a photo of my kidney (and Lionel) which I was so excited to receive and see – click here to view 🙂
  • Kidney and Lionel are currently being dissected and examined (we have to wait 2-3 weeks for a full report)
  • Am currently being very well looked after by an awesome team of Dr’s and nurses at the hospital. Mentally applauding these wonderful, kind and skilled people and can I just add: nurses – respect!!!! Seriously.
  • Have managed about 10 steps down the hallway and back again, woo hoo! (10 more than yesterday!)
  • Experiencing the weirdest pain of electric shocks internally and when breathing. It hurts to laugh (which really is not funny) and there is the sensation of “things moving and adjusting”
  • Health and healing wise everything looks good and they may be sending me home tomorrow
  • Best things I packed in my bag: 1) Beats by Dre Headphones 2) Rudimental – Home album 3) Robin Thicke – Blurred Lines album 4) Lip balm (a good set of headphones, phat beats and moisturized lips are a godsend!!!)


I guess you could say my life now has 2 era’s: BC (Before Cancer) and AC (After Cancer). I can see, read, hear and utter the word cancer and it doesn’t frighten me. It really doesn’t. Cancer can be villainous and it has sadly taken far too many people, but I’ll be damned if I cave to the word itself.
I can’t change the fact that I have had cancer. Strangely enough I wouldn’t want to (I strongly believe everything happens for a reason). What I can change is how I live the rest of my life – making good choices to stay as healthy, happy and helpful as possible whilst cutting out toxins (be it in food, cleaning products, emotions etc.) No worries, no stress. Life is precious, and brief. Don’t forget that.
The cancer journey is an interesting one. I am grateful to have made a few new friends along the way. Two of them being 2 awesome guys (who I came across when googling terms such as “are you kidneying me” and “da vinci robot scars”). They went through the same thing – no real symptoms unil BAM kidney cancer at a young age. One thing we have talked about is the experience and emotions you go through, it is difficult to explain however we knew what each other had been through – the thoughts, the realisation that we are indeed mortal. We won’t live forever and yet we all faced it head on with a ‘Gung-ho’ attitude.
I can imagine for some people going through cancer can be a lonely journey. Family and friends want to do the best for you, but they are having to deal with their own emotions too. You don’t need to go it alone and if I can be of any help or support to anyone I’m just an email or tweet away. Please do not hesitate to contact me, I truly mean that 🙂
I aim to use this blog as a place to try and help others who are interested in healthy living: healthy eating (be it whether you are going down the no gluten, no meat, no sugar, no diary, no eggs, no processed foods road or not), healthy mind (body and mind go hand in hand) and healthy beauty (natural cosmetics) as well as sprinkle a bit of humor along the way thanks to conversations with a 4 year old and top that off with some stories here and there.
Cheers to the healthy, happy, humorous and helpful life, cancer-free!

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To follow Lisanne please click on the below links:

  • FoxGym – Situated in Rotterdam West, Fox Gym, caters to those who are serious and passionate about training – whether it’s general health and fitness, weight training, powerlifting, bodybuilding and/or athletic competitions. No matter your fitness level or physique Fox Gym is the place to be if you want to train in a motivating and inspiring environment.
  • GetFoxFit – Fitness & Bikini Competition Blog
  • R U kidneying me? – Lisanne’s Kidney Cancer Blog
  • Facebook page
  • Instagram 
  • You Tube channel
  • Competing and Model Portfolio


<a href="" target="_self">Malcolm Packer</a>

Malcolm Packer

Malcolm is Chief Executive Officer at Kidney Cancer UK and Kidney Cancer Scotland and has worked with the charity in various capacities for over 15 years.