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National Voices – Guide to Care and Support planning
“Kidney Cancer UK strongly supports and endorses National Voices’ guide on Care and Support Planning. This guide encompasses not only what the patient needs but does so in a way that makes them not feel so isolated during what is a very difficult time. The guide will also enable healthcare professionals to communicate effectively across different multi-disciplines and to make the patient the centre of care with no disconnect. A lack of communication between departments in care planning is one of the biggest issues people say causes them problems, especially if they have one or more long-term conditions.
Kidney Cancer patients feel they do not get information when they are diagnosed and are left out of the planning of their care, with the help of National Voices and this guide, we are confident that this will not happen in the future. Person centred care is the way forward for every patient and we welcome the chance to work with National Voices to carry on the development of this”