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London Patient Day 2013

by | Jul 23, 2013 | Events News

Patient Day

Every year in the UK, over 9,000 people learn that they have kidney cancer. The incidence of kidney cancer is slowly increasing in the UK, possibly due to an increase in the number of cases detected when a patient has a scan for an unrelated condition. This is because scans are performed more frequently in hospitals and there have been huge improvements in scanning technology over the past 30 years. Kidney cancer is now the sixth most common type of cancer in men and ninth among women in the UK.
The aim of the Kidney Cancer Patient Day is to provide kidney cancer patients and their carers with much needed information on treatments, dealing with side effects, patient support and dietary advice. Everyone who attends will get to meet and chat to other patients and healthcare professionals.
Kidney Cancer UK in association with Kidney Cancer UK is organising a Kidney Cancer Patient Day on
Patient Day
Wednesday 16th October 2013 09.00am – 3.30pm
The Marriott Hotel Old Shire Lane Waltham Abbey Essex EN9 3LX
Refreshments and buffet included. Attendance is FREE.  
For more information please contact John Chapman on 01223 870008 or via e-mail at To book for this event please click here.

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