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Kidney Cancer Stories
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Kidney Cancer Stories.
Many of you visit our forum in order to find similar kidney cancer stories and cases. Diagnosis is often followed by a number of mixed emotions from fear to anger and disbelief, therefore, you can find it useful to share your experience of kidney cancer and ask for advice or support from those in a similar position. Our forum is a place where people write about their feelings and are looking for others going through the same. Living with cancer is extremely difficult and mutual support and encouragement can be very helpful not only for patients but also families and carers.
Sometimes, people who are close to you may find it difficult to discuss your illness. And you may be afraid that if you talk to people about how you really feel they will be upset, or disappointed at your lack of stoicism, or embarrassed because they don’t know what to say. But it is important to be able to express your feelings when you need to. We know that when hearing the word cancer, it feels like your world is about to fall apart. Positive thinking is vital and you just need to know that you are not alone.
Visit our Kidney Cancer Forum here.