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James Whale MBE shares his experience of kidney cancer in support of Be Clear on Cancer Campaign
Our Chairman James Whale MBE and BBC Essex weekday breakfast show presenter shares his experiences of kidney cancer, as a new government health campaign #BeClearOnCancer will see posters placed above urinals at several of the Premier League’s football grounds warning men to look out for the symptoms. To listen to this podcast please click here.
Following the huge success of the #BloodinPee campaign last year, Public Health England is now re-running this national campaign.
Be Clear on Cancer aims to improve early diagnosis of cancer by raising awareness of signs and symptoms and encouraging people to see their GP without delay.
The earlier bladder and kidney cancers are diagnosed, the higher the chance of survival. Only 1 in 3 people survive bladder and kidney cancer beyond one year if diagnosed at a late stage compared with more than 9 in 10 who survive at least a year if diagnosed at the earliest stage.
Kidney Cancer UK has also produced an information video in support of Public Health England’s campaign asking men and women to be vigilant and check for ‘Blood In Pee’. The video features one of the UK’s top Oncologists, Professor Dr Thomas Powles discussing symptoms, treatments and support available in relation to discovering blood in your pee. To watch the video please click here.